Alien Covenant Movie Review

From the fires of creation birth the spark of life, giving breath and song to wonders and mundanity alike. Desire. The longing to expand, to construct and simply to exist. Endemic to these primordial ambitions is the query upon the origin of the inquisitor themselves.Then a critic like me shows up (click article) and says "WHAT ARE YOU ON? JUST S

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Planet of the Apes (TV Series) Movie Review

Week 8 of the Summer of the Planet of the Apes, and we have the 14 episode series that originally aired in 1974. High budget, with great acting and starring Roddy McDowall, how did this series end up only staying on the air for half a season? Maybe there was cause, after all...Source: Planet of the Apes (TV Series) Movie Review - Decker Shado (b

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Predators Movie Review

In 2010, after Fox's AVP movies were widely reguarded as rubbish, another movie in the Predator franchise was released for the first time (blog post) in 20 years. Decker Shado takes a look at this film, produced by Robert Rodriguez to find out if it's a true return to form, or maybe not (blog post) even a worthy trophy.Source: Predators Movie Rev

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